Strike Two: It's Another Style Miss For Helen Mirren

Strike Two: It's Another Style Miss For Helen Mirren

We're sorry to report that Dame Helen Mirren has made another sartorial misstep on the red carpet.

The first was when she attempted to colour block last month, while this time around she's been caught by the curse of the frump for the premiere of her new film Behind the Door in Berlin.

Unfortunately, the buttoned-to-the-neck coat, knee-length dress and those clumpy shoes (at least they're in animal print) scream DEMURE and AGE APPROPRIATE.

Helen Mirren attends a film premier in Berlin. Photo: PA

Come on, Helen. Show us some cleavage. Rock a pair of patent black stilettos. After all, you of all people can pull off that kind of look with style and smouldering sophistication. Do you need some inspiration? Have a gander at our gallery below to see what we mean.