Student Gets Blindingly Drunk, Submits Disastrous Essay To Lecturer

She signed it off with "love you".

McKenna Clark left her criminal justice assignment to the last minute and - after a drunken night out - realised she desperately needed to submit something.

Sitting in front of her laptop, she typed what she believed to be an okay essay, hit “send” and went to bed.

The next day she woke up, reviewed her sent messages and died a little inside.

It transpired that in her drunken stupor she had emailed her lecturer Professor Grams with a pretty disastrous essay that ended “love you”. 

Clark shared a picture of her essay on Twitter with the caption: “PSA: don’t write papers hammered and then turn them in like me.”

The essay itself read: “Illegal to kiss on train (mala prohibita) talk about weather it should be illegal or not [sic]. It should be legal to kiss on the train because it is romantic.

“Professor Grams, my name is McKenna. I had some Dr Peppers I am doing good. Your assignment is way too hard. I can’t do it right now. I am better now, however, because the Dr Peppers wore off.

“I am now contemplating the assignment that you gave me. It’s illegal to kiss on the train because it is a safety violation. If you are kissing while on the train you must realise that it could end up being dangerous. If the driver was kissing on the train, who would be driving the train. You are welcome.

“Love you.”

Her tweet has been shared more than 35,000 times and has over 100,000 favourites.

Her friend later shared a photograph of McKenna from that night and, needless to say, she doesn’t look like she’s in a fit state to write an essay. 

Let this be a lesson to anyone who is considering submitting their assignment after a shed load of booze.   

Before You Go

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