Summer Style Superhero

Summer Style Superhero

Jesus, this weather's a bore. One minute you're all, "look at me! I've got my legs out!" and the next you're pulling back on the 80 deniers, cursing yourself for having the nerve to have fake-tanned.

Yes, it's pouring and a bit chill Bill but who's really ready to dig out the winter woollies? Who's genuinely happy to admit defeat May? Not us and so, we've found a solution to this - the 2013 seasonal style conundrum: how do you go about day-to-day life during "summer" looking cheerful and on trend? One word friends, kimonos - the perfect cover up to team with pretty camisoles and dresses on rainy days.

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Kimonos show you're aware the weather's not peachy - I mean, you're not a moron! - but equally, display you're not a stick-in-the-mud pessimist about it either.

Let's all say it together with a sigh of relief. Kimonos...