Sunday Newspapers - Cameron's Speech Backfires (PICTURES)

PHOTOS: Mixed Bag Of Outrageous Stories In The Sunday Papers

The first 'proper' Sunday papers of the New Year are dominated by an interview David Cameron has given to the Telegraph , on a wide range of issues including curbing executive pay and putting energy into the economic recovery.

Unfortunately at the end of a week of political gaffes - until today entirely Labour ones - everything Cameron is saying on jobs and the economy has already been eclipsed by another wave of outrage about Tourette's. Downing Street had to issue and apology after Cameron suggested Ed Balls looked like someone with the syndrome.

That story now appears on the websites of almost every news organisation in Britain, including this one.

Outrage is to be found everywhere, it seems, these days. Elsewhere in the Telegraph there's a story on Jeremy Clarkson who's been making jokes about the deaths of cockle-pickers, cuing outrage. So much for auld acquaintance being forgot. That story also makes the front page of the Daily Star on Sunday.

In a further sign that 2012's news will end up being a load of recycled, fabricated non-stories of affected anger, the Express leads on outrage (it's not made clear among whom, apart from Mediawatch, a group of family values types) about a BBC sex show due to be broadcast on BBC Three. People will swear and talk about their private parts, apparently.

Chances are that the show will be broadcast, and given it's on BBC Three, about that number of people will watch it.

The Sunday Times' story on "passports for hire" is fascinating, suggesting that people are coming for shorter periods, the illegal immigrant equivalent of a mini-break. Unfortunately they're here to stay, as the "hired" passports are simply recycled and sent back to Greek gangs to be used by someone else.

The story also contains an interesting factoid about Greece. According to the paper, a court ruling in Britain just before Christmas now makes it hard to turn away Greek asylum seekers because, says the Sunday Times: "The judges ruled that the Greek asylum system was so flawed that the human rights of immigrants could not be guaranteed if they were returned there."

The Mail on Sunday fires the opening salvo on City bonus season - due to kick off in earnest in the next few days - suggesting that people like Sir Fred Goodwin could in future be sent to prison. It's not the bonuses which are the problem, it's the fact some people managed to wreak the livelihoods of half the planet. The Mail correctly assesses the political climate, saying:

"All three main parties are now competing to offer the most hardline policies on tackling ‘fat cats’, after their internal polling revealed the scale of voters’ fury at the level of executive pay."

The Sunday People has a front page exclusive with Coronation Street Star Michael Le Vell, aka Kevin Webster. The actor, cleared of child rape charges, is calling for a change in the law.

The Sunday Mirror says nation's sweetheart Princess Catherine will launch a new drive to help war veterans - "as a military wife herself," notes the paper. The story points out that Princes William and Harry are also taking part in the scheme, but as they're not pretty, they matter less.

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