Surely Your Anger Over A Broken President Trumps Your Discomfort About Who Might Be Marching Against Zuma?

If your discomfort is preventing you from supporting action against Zuma, aren’t you putting it on a higher pedestal than the issues you care about?
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Felix Dlangamandla / Foto24 / Gallo Images / Getty Images

I understand this thing as an issue of credibility and motive. So let's assume the worst:

Let's assume I am a greedy White Monopoly Capitalist and all I want to do is protect my financial interests from devaluation, and THAT is why I am anti-Zuma and ready to march on Friday.

Let's say you are not a WMC. You care about the killings at Marikana, the absurd inequality in South Africa and all the injustices inflicted on the black and the poor in this country. I have been silent during all of this, and you have noted my silence. We are not in this together.

One more thing. This entire time, one man has presided over an enormous concentration of power. He saw Marikana, saw the cries for land redistribution and for service delivery and the need for communities to be heard, and did.... nothing. Some of these issues could have been taken care of with a wave of his hand. Others are more complicated to dismantle. All the same, he did nothing.

You care about all these causes of the Deep Struggle. Now, a man who has had more capacity to address these causes than any other South African could, through massive protest action and political pressure, be removed from office if everything goes right and everyone pulls together. But you don't want to sully yourself by association to self-interested reactionaries like me, so you're going to... let the one man who could have made a telling difference to everything you care about solidify his grip on power?

Politics is not Tinder. Causes and moments like this bring people together that don't have a love connection. Sometimes, if we're lucky, we might get to understand each other a little better. But if not: there's something far bigger at stake?