Surviving Fresher's Week

Fresher's Week is undoubtedly one of the most exciting times of a student's life. For the first time you are free to do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want and with whomever you want.

Fresher's Week is undoubtedly one of the most exciting times of a student's life. For the first time you are free to do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want and with whomever you want. Then, to make this week even better, you are actually encouraged to get as drunk as you want and generally have as much fun as you want. Not a bad week really.

Fresher's Week is a pretty exciting time but there is more to it than a string of boozy nights out. This is your chance to start your education on the right foot, so make the most out of every opportunity and you'll thank yourself for the next three years.

Making friends is what Fresher's Week is all about. Start by talking to everyone. Yes, everyone! This is one of the only times in your life where you can walk up to a random stranger and strike up a conversation without seeming like a complete weirdo. Talk to as many people as you can and don't forget the quiet kid. The quiet ones always come out of their shell eventually and they could end up being your best buddy or the life and soul of the party so take some time to get to know them.

It can be harder, although not impossible, to make friends once everyone has formed their groups so take this chance to get to know as many people as possible and be a social butterfly. It can be easy to get stuck with one group of friends but try and mingle to meet as many people as you can.

Another thing to remember while you're meeting all these fabulous new friends is to remember their names. OK, this sounds obvious but you'll meet so many new people that you're bound to forget some names. Jot them all down if it helps or when taking their phone number, give them a memorable nick name.

Make sure you get involved with everything. Go on every night out, every day trip, every pub crawl, every socialiser and every meet up. There will also be lots of Fresher's fairs around the university and you should go to them all. Pick up flyers and sign up to all the clubs and societies you think you might be interested in. This is your chance to learn something new away from your studies, enhance your CV and meet some new people. You'll also have the chance to get involved in some activities for a fraction of the usual price, so give it a go - you'll never get to skydive for that price again!

You will probably have a few introductory meeting for your course during Fresher's Week. It might be tempting to stay in bed and sleep off a hangover but you'll be given some important information and the chance to meet your new classmates. You'll also find out where your lectures are within the maze of your university campus so you won't end up missing your first official lectures.

You will undoubtedly have a hangover or two during your first week at university but it's time to man-up and get over it. Drink a pint of water before you go to bed and a few pain killers and a bacon bap will sort you out in the morning.

Finally, take as many photos as you possibly can to ensure you remember every amazing moment from your first week at uni.