Swedish Twitter Experiment Turns Weird As @Sonja Regales Followers With Tales Of Her Vagina, Justin Bieber And Dead Reindeer

Vaginas, Justin Bieber And Dead Reindeer: The Day Sweden's Twitter Experiment Got Freaky

Sweden’s Twitter experiment, in which a member of the public runs the country’s microblogging site for a week, has taken a turn for weird.

@Sonja is this week’s “sole ruler of the world’s most democratic Twitter account”.

She describes herself as a “holy mother of two. Grew up side by side with awesome nature. 27 years old. This is exciting.”

@Sonja’s musings include “Sometimes I just look at my children and think about the time when they had my vagina around their neck” and “Everytime we see a dead reindeer here in Sweden, we get the urge to eat a lot of bread. It’s just the way it is.”

She’s also thrown in a somewhat distasteful photoshop effort of Freddie Mercury peering over the top of a food-laden kitchen counter. She explains: “This pic I call ‘hungry gay with aids’”.

After receiving a tweet complaining about her insensitivity, she adds: "Its very sad that he had aids."

Returning to sense, she rationalises: “If someone likes Justin Bieber in Sweden, we don’t care. We let them. We don’t call him ‘gay’ if we mean ‘he sucks’. We say ‘he sucks’.”

We're not entirely sure what she's on about, but she's certainly livening things up.