Teacher Forced Cancer Survivor Aged Four To Clean Floor After Wetting Herself In Class

Teacher Forced Cancer Survivor Aged Four To Clean Floor After Wetting Herself In Class


A four-year-old cancer survivor was forced to clean the floor at her school after her bladder problems resulted in her having an 'accident' in the classroom.

The furious parents of little Liberty Rose Finn say she was made to clean up the wee in front of all her classmates in her sopping wet clothing, even though the school knew the tot had incontinence issues because of a battle with cancer. The little girl faced further humiliation when she was forced to stand facing a wall for 10 minutes as punishment.

Her parents Carl and Dawn Finn, could not believe it when Liberty - who amazingly survived a huge brain tumour - and her twin sister Destiny told them what had happened.

They immediately complained to Church Gresley Infant and Nursery School in Swadlincote, Derbys, but were further incensed when they got a reply saying the incident had been "fully investigated" and "dealt with".

The school claimed the member of staff concerned "deeply regrets what has happened".

Liberty's dad said the family felt the school was trying to 'sweep the matter under the carpet'. He told The Sun: "We strongly feel that the school, the board of governors and the education authority are trying to quietly sweep the matter under the carpet. We have been told the governors have looked into the matter and they reassure us that our child's welfare is of paramount importance and that appropriate action has been taken. However, they have not told us what the action was."

Carl went on to say how he and Dawn had watched their daughter 'bravely battle cancer' and 'inspire thousands of people' - he said after what she had gone through with her health, he would not allow her to be 'humiliated in public'

"We cannot let this matter go with just a warning," he added.

Little Liberty was diagnosed with optic chiasm glioma at just eight months old. The tumour was around her optical nerve and could not be operated on because of its position and size, however, after undergoing chemotherapy for nine months, it vanished.

Mr and Mrs Finn have now contacted Derbyshire County Council about the matter, although a spokesman for the education authority said they were not going to carry out any further investigation. "We have spoken to the acting head teacher, and the school has apologised to the parents and has taken action to make sure it doesn't happen again," he said.

That poor little girl! What do you think?