Tech 2013: Gadgets That Won't Date In The Next 12 Months (PICTURES)

Tech 2013: Gadgets That Won't Date In 2013 (PICTURES)

Tech goes out of date, often soon after you've bought it. That's just the way of things, as all embittered Betamax owners remember.

Indeed, as those who bought an iPad II last Christmas only to see the new model released in March know, it's still a bitter blow when it happens to you.

But it doesn't have to be that way - there are some gadgets which will still be in date even if they've superseded by new models. Some have a retro style which can't go out of date. Others do one task so well that there's nothing that could really beat them.

To help you navigate the tricky waters of the Obsolete Ocean, here's our list of gadgets that you won't regret buying in six months time - either because they're so new you can rest easy about an upgrade, or they're so solid you won't really care.

Take a look at our picks for tech that won't date in 2013.

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