A teenage girl sent a series of terrifying texts to her mum saying she'd been kidnapped - as a joke.
Unfortunately, when Lily Sharp finally confessed, her furious mum didn't see the funny side and called her daughter a 'stupid f***ing idiot'.
And just as bizarrely, the teenager herself posted the cruel text message exchange to her own Twitter feed, saying she was 'going to hell'.
Apparently bored, the teen sent her unsuspecting mum a series of messages pretending to be annoyed that she hadn't mentioned that a decorator would be visiting their house.
Lily told her mum she initially thought the fictitious man was trying to trick his way into the home until he explained the mix-up.
Her frantic mother texted back: "There is no decorator."
Lily then pretended to be the intruder, replying: "She knows that now."
The teen then pretended to be a man called Victor and demanded £4,000.
She messaged her mum: "I have your child ... I've already gone. She's with me ... She says hello."
Her mum contacted police and got a neighbour to rush to the home before being told it was all a joke.
Her mother then messaged: "Yor are a complete f***ing t**t. Do not call me back ... F*** you you stupid f***ing idiot."
The daughter posted the exchange on Twitter with the caption, "I am going to hell".
More on Parentdish: Surviving Teenagers - Why they don't answer texts