Teenage Girls Fighting: Appalling Street Gang Violence From 14-Year-Olds

Teenage Girls Fighting: Appalling Street Gang Violence From 14-Year-Olds


Girls as young as 14 have been filmed taking part in shocking street fights and posting the footage on YouTube.

In sickening scenes, groups of youngsters square up in prearranged street gang 'initiation' ceremonies.

The fights were organised by groups of around 30 girls from schools in Sydney, Australia.

The vile footage includes scenes of girl punching, kicking and pulling each others' hair in car parks and stations. Other youngsters can be heard egging them on.

Website News.com claims most of the girls involved in the videos go to high schools in the Sydney area and are trying to join the notorious 'See F****** Hurstville' gang.

One of the girls filmed, 16-year-old Meaghan Ross, can be seen in one video being kicked in the face and having her nose broken. She told news.com 'I've had cops come up to me and say they saw the video on YouTube. They don't care if we fight. I think they're used to it.'

The 15-year-old she was filmed fighting - Tiamera Nelio - said she lost part of her tooth in the clash, but is unrepentant about her violence, saying: 'Now people know they shouldn't mess with me. It's good that we have YouTube to get our message out there.'

Police in New South Wales say they will be cracking down on any teenagers caught fighting, whilst YouTube have removed the videos.