Parents Warned About Long List Of Teenage Texting Codes Referencing Sex, Drugs And Suicide

Do you know what KPC means?

Parents are being warned about an increasing number of teenage “texting codes” that are used to disguise the meaning of messages.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) shared an image of the codes that was revealed by a US technology programme: ‘The Kim Komando Show’.

Mums and dads might be aware of previously released sexting codes in December 2016, but this is a more exhaustive list. 

“Have a look at your kids’ devices and use this to translate,” the Facebook caption on the codes read. 

The list also shows emojis that are used to refer to sexual acts, including masturbation and sex. 

Some of the abbreviations on the list have innocent meanings, including ‘HAK’ for ‘hugs and kisses’ and ‘WUF’ for ‘where are you from?’ and ‘C-P’ for ‘sleepy’. 

However the majority of the codes refer to sexual acts, drugs and suicide. 

A simple number ‘8’ means oral sex, ‘420’ refers to marijuana and ‘LH6’ means ‘Let’s have sex’. 

Worryingly, some codes, including ‘KMS’ (kill myself) and ‘KYS’ (kill yourself) refer to conversations about suicide. 

The codes, posted on Facebook on 6 January, have been shared more than 3,000 times with hundreds of comments from worried parents. 

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Dean Belcher via Getty Images

Margaret Gallagher, a spokesperson for the NSPCC, said although the codes shade light on teenage texting, they change frequently. 

“Teenagers will always want to create coded language that can’t be understood by their parents - it’s natural and not necessarily something to get overly concerned about,” she told the BBC

“Communication and building trust with your child is the most important thing.”

Previously speaking to The Huffington Post UK, Suzie Hayman Trustee of Family Lives, said: “Rather than waiting for something bad to happen, think about when and how you are going to start and keep the conversation going about the risks and rewards of the online world.

“Do not dismiss sexist language or behaviour as funny: Remember that you need to a role model for them and they will look to you to determine what is right and what is wrong.”

For more information on keeping children safe online, parents can call NSPCC’s free helpline 0808 800 500.

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