Terminally Ill Woman Left 'Devastated' After Adele Cancels Concert

The singer cancelled her last two shows due to vocal cord damage.

A terminally ill woman with months to live is “utterly devastated” that she won’t get to see Adele at Wembley.

Lisa Middlecote, 49, and her sister Justine Nield, 45, were due to go and see the singer at the weekend. However Adele was forced to cancel her last two sell-out shows due to damaged vocal cords. 

Middlecote, who has small cell lung cancer, had been up since 3.40am on Saturday in anticipation of the concert and was too upset to speak about her bucket list wish. 

The mum-of-two, from Gillingham, Kent, wanted to create a “lasting memory gift” she could share with her sister, as she may not live until Christmas. 

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Justine Nield and Lisa Middlecote with their VIP Adele tickets.

Before breaking the news to her sister, Nield said: “I just can’t believe it. It just seems we are jinxed. 

“I don’t want to tell my sister. She’s been up since twenty to four this morning. She’s so excited.

“I’m utterly gutted.” 

Middlecote initially paid £440 for two tickets to see the Grammy-award-winning singer, but discovered she had been conned by a fake events website. 

Last week, a businessman stepped in and gave the pair VIP passes complete with invitations to the after show party. 

Adele, who had already performed two nights to crowds of almost 100,000 fans on Wednesday and Thursday night, said she was “heartbroken”. 

The Grammy award winner said she saw a throat doctor on Friday night who advised her not to perform over the weekend. 

In a post shared on social media, the singer said: “The last two nights at Wembley have been the biggest and best shows of my life. 

“To come home to such a response after so long away doing something I never thought I could pull off but did has blown me away. 

“However, I’ve struggled vocally on both nights. I had to push a lot harder than I normally do.” 

She added: “I’m already maxed out on steroids and aids for my voice. I’ve considered doing Saturday night’s show but it’s highly unlikely I’d even make it though the set and I simply can’t crumble in front of you all and walk out on you in that way. 

“I’m so desperate to do them that I’ve even considered miming, just to be in front of you and be with you. 

“But I’ve never done it and I cannot in a million years do that to you. It wouldn’t be the real me up there.”  

Middlecote was smiling “from ear-to-ear” when she was given the VIP passes by businessman Liam Walsh. The tickets included luxury seating in the exclusive Bobby Moore club, pre-concert drinks and Champagne, an evening meal and invitations to a post-show after party. 

Speaking earlier this week, she said: “I’ve got a smile from ear-to-ear, unbelievable, unbelievable. 

“It’s absolutely colossal, I can’t believe there are such kind people out there. It;s reassuring to know there are still beautiful people out there, I can’t believe someone has done this for us. 

“For someone to step forward was amazing, and obviously I couldn’t go another time. 

“I’m completely dumbfounded, that’s absolutely amazing. It’s been a very emotional few days, I was crying, but happy tears, it was happy emotional.” 

Her other bucket list activities included a London tour and an extreme sport experience which the sisters have already enjoyed. 

Next up is a 50th birthday party on August 17, almost a year after doctors told her she was terminally ill. 

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