Terrorist Threat Level Raised, Britain Responds With Jokes

Terrorist Threat Level Raised, Britain Responds With Jokes

It says a lot about the good people of the UK that when confronted by the threat of a 'highly likely' terrorist attack, our natural response is to take the piss...

While we all waited to find out what the fuss was about, Twitter decided to indulge in a little therapy and share what 'threat level' really means.

Matt's worried about the latest viral trends...

Step. Away. From. The Keyboard...

Some people have bigger things to worry about...

This may not be the real Barry Scott...

Remember to take care folks...

Louise is probably on the phone to a take-away as we speak...

Darryl reminded us all that there are better things to do on a Friday than worry...

Panny pretty much rubbished the whole UK security services in one word...

Indeed it is...

The terror...

The Radio 4 approach...

The 'weirdo threat'...

Even the animals are concerned...

The topical worry...

Why is it worse on a Tuesday?

Shopping terror...

Oh, disaster...

Shout it Cameron...

This one is genuinely concerning...

Utterly terrifying....

It's 2014 Mark, this type of worry should have been banished decades ago...

Could you imagine?

Yup, we're with you Amy...

The animal or the footwear?

Erm... yeah, ok, then...

The pavement peril of...

Perhaps the very definition...

Oh, lord, no...

That would definitely quell the panic...

Then there were the cynics...

And Nick with his very niche concerns...

We hear ya...

The fashion threats...

There are other places that sell the national dish...

Now this is a genuine everyday peril...

No Stu, you are wrong...

And Gordon pretty much summed up the mood of the country...