Tesco's Naughty Valentine's Suggestions Were The Work Of Mischievous Shoppers

Here's The Culprit Behind Tesco's Naughty Valentine's Suggestions

Over the past few weeks you may have noticed a selection of risqué Valentine's suggestion placards lining the aisles of Tesco on particular food items.

First there was whipped cream. Then, ahem, cucumbers.

While many thought it was just Tesco being a little bit naughty, we can now confirm that - in a brilliant twist - the hilarious Valentine's suggestions are likely to be the work of mischievous shoppers.

A Tesco spokesperson told HuffPost UK Lifestyle that the company hadn't added cucumbers and whipped cream to their Valentine's Day promotion.

Instead, they said: “A couple of mischievous customers left us chuckling at their suggestions for a Valentine’s Day gift. We'd recommend flowers or chocolates instead."

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The hilarious suggestions have made headlines numerous times over the past week.

First came the whipped cream suggestion, which was spotted by Spencer William Le Grys and shared on the Facebook group 'Shit London'.

More than 1,500 people liked the image and applauded the culprit's sense of humour.

Next came the cucumbers, accompanied by a sign labelling the cylindrical vegetable as "Ideal for Valentine's".

We wonder what the naughty Valentine's ninjas will label next...