The Five Reasons Why Changing Your Wardrobe Will Help You Change Your Life

Dreams and desires matter, they shape our perception, they shape why we get up in the morning, they shape what keeps us awake at night. So when you dress yourself everyday if you feel that your clothes do not match the change you wish to see in your life then I believe its time to change your wardrobe.

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Photo Credit @laurentfranks

Change happens. We wish change would happen to us, we wish change hadn't happened to us, we are finding change hard to deal with. Whatever your status at the moment, the chances are life is occurring and you need to be prepared to take it on.

That is often easier said than done but I believe by reinventing what you wear and how you wear it, that change in your appearance will help you to make the shift to be truly prepared to take on the life that you are going through. Just like when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, you've got to be dressed with your wings on ready so that you can soar high.

If you are not convinced then read on, here are my five reasons WHY you should change your wardrobe when you change your life:

1. Welcome the new you.

Your wardrobe is full of old clothes, old memories and old associations. It is important for you to start to realise that the person that used to wear those has evolved, moved on and an updated more fabulous person exists in her place.

Perhaps you have a new job, or you've taken the plunge to start your on business? Perhaps you are a new mum? Perhaps you have recently got divorced or your kids have left home and you are now a free spirit. Whatever your challenge. Work out who are you? What do you want the world to see? Your wardrobe should evolve with you, come along for the ride and show off who you truly are.

2. Shake off the old.

That dress you love to wear that reminds you of THAT holiday, that night, that boy (who then met that other girl) is a beautiful thing. Those memories are dear but those memories aren't going anywhere and come on be honest with yourself, there is small tinge of pain that exists there. "Oh I was young then, oh I was beautiful then, Oh I was happy then." Well goddamit you are vital, gorgeous and resilient and the new you is going to be even happier. Stop dragging yourself down with the memories of the old and start dressing to create the dreams of the future.

3. Fake it until you make it.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Have you heard the saying "if you walk like a general and you talk like a general, then you are a general". Well I want to add to that "dress like a general" . Use your clothes as a way of realising that you can handle the change that is coming your way. Even if you are quivering at the knees inside with the right uniform you will be ready for the change in your life.

4. Take action.

Get inspired, plan, organise and then SHOP.

Regardless if you are causing change in your life or change is happening to you, by taking some action you can see that you are in control of the situation, but I warn you, don't just go in to the shops and hope you'll find the new you. I can assure you she won't just be sat in the window. So have a look around, get on Pinterest, follow me on Instagram and get inspired. Plan who you want to be, clean out your wardrobe (do you even know what's in there?) and then you can shop for what's missing.

5. Live the dream.

The final reason to change your wardrobe when you change your life is that you are worthy of your dream. Dreams and desires matter, they shape our perception, they shape why we get up in the morning, they shape what keeps us awake at night. So when you dress yourself everyday if you feel that your clothes do not match the change you wish to see in your life then I believe its time to change your wardrobe.

You are worthy of all the happiness you desire and I believe its time to start looking after you.

My name is Loulou Storey, I'm a style and confidence coach and if any of this rings true for you, then get in contact here and I can help you transform. Buying new clothes can often feel overwhelming but I can help you reduce the overwhelm with my personal shopping help.

Do also see my article The 5 shopping fears, which one do you have? for extra help.

Are you following me on Instagram for daily advice, you'd be crazy to miss out!

For the original blog post, visit here

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