The Benefits Of Custom Handmade Wefts

Handmade wefts are stunning in comparison to their machine-made counterparts. Machine wefts will often need building over several layers and come out in several pieces when you remove it. Handmade wefts are beautifully artistic pieces with a custom width to fit your head. The weft is flatter, more flexible when washed and mould easily to your head shape.

Why Handmade?

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Photo Credit: Studio Seven50 Hair

Double drawn hair is an asset and provides the thickness desired for hair extensions. Such an investment requires a pertinent method of attachment that doesn't shorten the life expectancy of your hair. If your hair extension attachment lacks robust security it can cause your extensions to shed excessively. Re-bonding can also lose hairs and shorten the extensions when they go back in. Handmade wefts not only reduce shedding to an absolute minimum but can be re-applied multiple times without compromising the length.

A Work of Art

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Photo Credit: Studio Seven50 Hair

Handmade wefts are stunning in comparison to their machine-made counterparts. Machine wefts will often need building over several layers and come out in several pieces when you remove it. Handmade wefts are beautifully artistic pieces with a custom width to fit your head. The weft is flatter, more flexible when washed and mould easily to your head shape.

Detail Is Key

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Photo Credit: Studio Seven50 Hair

Not all wefts are created equal and as the handmade would indicate, it matters who produces it. The craftsmanship determines how flat and secure your weft will be. To give you an idea; a well-made handmade weft takes one person an entire day to produce just 100g. Traditionally, the wefts cannot be cut and if they are, they unravel. While this is true, and I would always advise to keep the wefts exactly as they are. If the weft is very intricately done and reinforced with glue and additional stitching. It won't fall apart when snipped.

Get Them Measured

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Photo Credit: Studio Seven50

Perfectly made handmade wefts are no good if they don't fit your head. It'll just feel like a jigsaw with the side pieces missing. Custom hair extensions require an expert eye to asses where to place them in your head. You need them to follow the natural line of your hair, giving consideration for where you would like hair added.

There are many different methods of attachment for hair extensions and ultimately you need to decide which is the right one for your hair. However, if you do opt for any form of weft variation; a well-made handmade is always best. And they are not only suitable for weave or micro weave styles. They can also be used for clip-in hair extensions, simply by sewing on the clips.

If you have invested in high quality hair extensions, it only makes sense to ensure their attachment gives them the best possible chance to live a long and healthy life. You can wear your hair extensions, have them re-fitted and wear them again without the worry. When your extensions are customised your hair is undetectable.

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Photo Credit: Studio Seven50