Blocked Drains? 13 Highly-Rated Products That Reviewers Say Finally Cleared Theirs

All the preventative measures and clog-clearing solutions you’ll need to keep your pipes in perfect condition.
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According to their stellar reviews, these products are well worth buying

We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, HuffPost UK may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

Recently, I’ve found that nothing sucks the joy out of an otherwise lovely shower quite like spending the whole time standing in a shallow puddle. There’s just something about knowing the drains must be clogged with my hair that makes me feel instantly grotty.

Whether it’s issues with water drainage in the bathroom sink, or food clogging up your kitchen pipes and leaving behind a foul smell, blocked drains can be a real pain to deal with. And if they’re left for too long, you’ll likely end up having to call out a plumber — which can be really costly.

But thankfully, there are loads of chemical solutions, nifty gadgets, and preventative products available on Amazon that reviewers say have really helped them deal with their blocked drains. To help you narrow down your search, I’ve pulled together a selection that shoppers seem to have been most impressed with...

Use these silicone covers while showering to stop hair from going down the drain
One of the best ways to prevent blockages in the shower is to ensure no hair is getting washed down the drain. Made from durable, anti-slip silicone, these covers will do just that. You get five in a pack, and they’re suitable for use in any and every sink, shower, or bath in the home.
Or try a trusty Tubshroom if you’re looking for a more discreet solution
But if you’d rather keep your hairs hidden, then this bestselling Tubshroom is exactly what you need. Installed directly into the drain and out of sight, any fallen hairs are caught by the mechanism, and simply wrap neatly around the cylinder. Super discreet, it’s no surprise that it’s got over 50,000 five-star reviews!
See if a solution of vinegar and bicarbonate of soda can deal with your drains
If you’ve already got a blockage, then pour both a cup of baking soda and a cup of white vinegar directly down the plug hole, and wait until you hear it fizz. Leave it to work its magic for around 10 minutes, and then pour boiling water down the drain to flush it through.
But if you’re having little luck, reviewers are raving about this powerful Mr Muscle gel
This solution claims to be 10x better at dealing with blockages than baking soda and vinegar – and reviewers seem to agree. Pour the entire bottle down the plug hole, wait for ten minutes, and then clear it with hot water straight from the tap.
Prevent build-up and blockages by regularly using these eco-friendly cleaning sticks
Drains are really annoying to clean, so once you've tackled yours, you'll want to put off doing so again for as long as possible. These enzyme-packed sticks slowly dissolve, breaking down whatever's in your drain with them, and make the perfect monthly treatment.
Tackle clogged food and debris in kitchen drains with this solution
If your kitchen sink is starting to develop quite the smell and the water isn’t running away quite as easily as it should, you might want to use this high-strength cleaner that’s been designed with blockages caused by fat, oil and food remnants, in mind.
And put a strainer over the plug hole to prevent any blockages in future
Guilty of not always fully scraping the plates before you go to put them in the sink? If so, then there’s a high chance that food debris is the cause of a kitchen sink blockage. But a strainer like this will help ensure no stray peas find their way into your pipes.
Use this flexible pipe cleaner to clear out any pesky clogs of hair
This tool is great for dredging up any hairs that have gotten caught up in your drains. With its 45cm length, and super flexible yet strong design, it’ll curve around the U-bend with no issues.
Or try this flexible five-metre tool for blockages that seem unreachable
But for hard-to-reach blockages in both drains and toilets, you can’t go wrong with this trusty tool. It’s got an incredible five-metre reach, a cranked handle for easier manoeuvring, and an innovative pig-tail end that helps aid the clearing of blockages.
Once free of blockages, use this foaming solution to deep clean and eliminate odours
Just because you’ve cleared the blockage, that doesn’t mean your pipes are now in completely tip-top condition. So, use this foaming liquid to deeply clean your drains, and also eliminate any nasty leftover odours.
This gadget uses high pressure to clear blockages, and has great reviews
A great option for clogged sinks, this bestselling unblocker works by giving blocked drains an injection of high pressure that's capable of dislodging most blockages. Reviewers who’ve used it on slow-draining sinks seem to have had particularly great success.
Use this treatment to break down blockages caused by fat, oil, or grease
In case you didn’t already know, I’m here to inform you that you really shouldn’t be pouring cooking oil down the drain. But if you’ve made that error, this natural bacteria treatment will eat away at the leftover fats, and help prevent any build-up or blockages.
And use this clever solidifying powder in future instead of pouring oil down the drain
Especially useful if you’ve got a chip pan or deep fat fryer, these handy sachets of powder will turn your leftover cooking oil into a solid lump that can be easily disposed of in the bin. Plus, it’ll leave your pans far easier to clean.
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