The British Left, Moral Equivalence and the Cult of Julian Assange

The evil United States strikes again, according to the supporters of Julian Assange - well, mainly segments of the British left.

The evil United States strikes again, according to the supporters of Julian Assange - well, mainly segments of the British left. Those who argue and combat against sexism and declare themselves as "feminists" (in some cases) have justified Assange's belief he should not face trial over rape allegations. Self declared Patron Saint of anti-imperialism, anti-West and anti-America has mutated and distorted the minds of some sane people.

Rape allegations are a smoke screen (apparently) to have Assange executed by the US Federal Government, even though the European Union DOES NOT extradite individuals who risks facing the death penalty. And Britain and Sweden would have to both sanction his transfer to the United States, which the Swedes have no interest in. In other words, this will not occur - unless European governments want to engage in arduous battles at the European Court of Human Rights.

Even so, his supporters continue the conspiracies and even begun to define what is rape.....

Tony Benn, former Labour minister, and George Galloway have interrupted the definition of rape, in order to depict the West as 'being in the wrong'. This mentality that Western capitalist society is so evil, that every decision and action is a clandestine conspiracy is highly absurd, and grotesquely insulting. It is logical fallacy; moral equivalence of the worse kind.

One individual told a Channel 4 news reporter that, with his good looks, Assange "didn't need to rape". I'm literally speechless. These are the same individuals who demand American soldiers face war crime proceedings for allege sexual abuses incidences in Iraq and Afghanistan. As I said before, West = evil and Assange = good.

Just like the Stop the War Coalition, who said Bin Laden's grievances needed to be "addressed" after the United States announced his death. The group came close to legitimising the belligerent existence of Al Qaeda because the West failed to listen to the terrorist organisations propaganda. The American government was, in their eyes, to blame for all the terrorist incidents - not the actual terrorists, who orchestrated decades of bombings.

Julian Assange, like 9/11 and the Iraq War, has become an avatar of Western conspiracies and a symbol of anti-globalisation, which majority of his supporters spend their time protesting against. If Assange did not exist, Hugo Chavez or Field Casto would be rallying point; in other words, Julian Assange is the contemporary Che Guevara.

And like Cult of Che Guevara, followers ignore the allege crimes because of what Julian represents and fights against.