‘The Chase’ Meets ‘Tipping Point’ In The Greatest TV Quiz Mash Up Of All Time


Lovers of ITV daytime quiz shows, we hope you’re sitting down. ‘The Chase’ is about to meet ‘Tipping Point’ in the greatest TV crossover ever (probably).

Chasers Mark ‘The Beast’ Labbett, Anne ‘The Governess’ Hegerty and Paul ‘The Sinnerman’ Sinha are all set to take on the giant coin-pushing machine in a charity special, and we’re just a teeny bit excited.

Nice shirt.Open Image ModalNice shirt.
Nice shirt.

We have no idea which Chaser comes out on top, but it’s (a) the first time we’ve seen them on screen at the same time and (b) in their own clothes (loving the floral, Anne).

Yes, we know.

The Chasers with host Ben Shephard.Open Image ModalThe Chasers with host Ben Shephard.
The Chasers with host Ben Shephard.

Wow, just wow.

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She added: “Everyone was delightful and they really seemed pleased to see us, which was nice.”

Find out how they all got on when the charity special airs on Saturday 5 November at 6pm on ITV.

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