The Masked Singer: Most Popular Fan Theories And Rumours About This Year's Stars

Fans reckon they've already worked out the identities of Jellyfish, Knitting and Otter.
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The Masked Singer has got the whole nation guessing once again
ITV/Shutterstock/Ken McKay/Steve Meddle

A new year means a brand new series of the only show on telly where you can see an oversized recycling bin performing in a sing-off with an anthropomorphised pile of yarn or a surprisingly flirtatious slab of dessert.

Yes, the fourth season of The Masked Singer is now fully underway.

Viewers have been introduced to all 10 of the weird and wonderful characters hoping to follow in the footsteps of former champions Sausage, Panda and Queen Bee, with football legend Chris Kamara and British music icon Lulu being the first to be sent packing.

But what about the eight characters still in the running?

Well, here are all the fan theories so far about who the celebrities underneath the masks could be…


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We’re starting with Knitting because she’s actually the one we’re the most convinced about.

Although the judges originally offered up names like Jane Horrocks, Samantha Barks and AJ Odudu, we’re going to go with our instinct and say we’re pretty sure it’s Claire Richards (aka Claire from Steps) underneath all that wool.

We counted references to two Steps songs in her first appearance, beginning with the solitary magpie in her VT (One For Sorrow) and ending with her comment about “counting 26” (which just happens to be the total of 5, 6, 7 and 8).

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Claire Richards
Karwai Tang via Getty Images

Knitting also told us she was crafty, with Claire previously appearing on a celebrity edition of the Great British Sewing Bee.

And, oh yeah, there’s the fact that Knitting’s voice sounds just like Claire’s.

Clearly we’re not the only ones who think so, either... 

…even if the woman herself seems to be trying to throw us off the scent…


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As soon as we heard Jellyfish sing, we knew her voice sounded familiar, and we think we might have worked out why.

Having now played it back a few times, the aquatic performer’s rendition of Sweet Child O’ Mine puts us in mind of Anastacia (albeit an Anastacia trying to go easy on the Anastacia-isms), and there are quite a few clues to back it up, too.

Jellyfish commented that she’d won a competition in the past, with Anastacia recently coming out on top in the Australian version of The Masked Singer.

She also offered up a riddle about a “funny animation”, and while we don’t recall Anastacia ever lending her voice to a cartoon, Jellyfish could have been referring to the 1997 film Anastasia.

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picture alliance via Getty Images

And while the word “me” written in shells left many wondering if there was a famous Michelle under that aquatic costume, it’s worth pointing out that Anastacia is BFFs with Drag Race icon Michelle Visage.

Even the song choice could be a giveaway, as the I’m Outta Love singer performed Sweet Child O Mine on her latest UK tour.

Another popular name in the frame is Amber Riley, based on Jellyfish’s voice and the fact the Glee star previously won another international season of The Masked Singer.

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Amber Riley
Unique Nicole via Getty Images

Here are some of the other theories going round on Twitter right now…

Cat & Mouse

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Cat and Mouse

This year saw the introduction of The Masked Singer’s first ever double act in the form of Cat & Mouse.

After the duo’s first performance, some members of the panel were convinced it was Emma Bunton and Jade Jones underneath the masks, especially after a reference to “jade” in their riddle and a line-up of spices in their VT.

For the time being, that’s our leading theory, our only drawback being that we’re not sure ITV would give the answer away in the first episode.

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Jade Jones and Emma Bunton at the Brit Awards in 2019
Jeff Spicer via Getty Images

Here’s what else people are saying on Twitter…


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As with Cat & Mouse, the judges’ guess of David Tennant is our current leading theory for Phoenix – although, again, we’re not sure why ITV would put his name out there so early on.

The voice doesn’t sound unlike David’s, and Phoenix is clearly on the tall side, with the actor himself standing at over six feet.

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David Tenannt
David M. Benett via Getty Images

Phoenix commented that they were good at solving mysteries (David, of course, appeared in Broadchurch after leaving Doctor Who), although we’re stumped on what the character’s clue that he’d “been a catchphrase” might refer to, other than his own catchphrase from his time on Doctor Who.

Another popular theory for Phoenix is Ricky Wilson of the Kaiser Chiefs fame,  with many claiming the voice sounds like the former Voice coach.

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Ricky Wilson
Carla Speight via Getty Images

However, we’ll have to wait for more clues to work out who’s under the fiery guise…

Jacket Potato

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While Jonathan Ross thought it was Shane Richie underneath Jacket Potato’s spud, Twitter seems to think it’s an entirely different Richie altogether.

One popular theory puts Bon Jovi musician Richie Sambora underneath the mask, with many pointing out that the Romeo & Juliet book that Jacket Potato was seen reading sported the band’s logo.

Jacket Potato also boasted of an impressive collection, with Richie apparently having over 130 guitars to his name.

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Richie Sambora
John Phillips via Getty Images

Not convinced? Let’s hear what viewers on Twitter had to say...


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It might seem like an obvious conclusion to come to, but as soon as Fawn mentioned in her clue package that she’s a fan of Maths, our minds immediately went to Carol Vorderman.

Apparently, we weren’t alone in that – and as she began her rendition of the title song from Beauty And The Beast, some viewers reckoned they recognised Vorders’ voice from when she performed on Celebrity Stars In Their Eyes all those years ago.

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Carol Vorderman
Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock

Here’s the chat over on Twitter...


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When viewers first saw Rubbish walking past a selection of bins coloured red, blue, yellow and green, they immediately thought of Marvin Humes from JLS. 

One of the bins had “number one” written one it, which could be a nod to JLS’ several chart-toppers, while there was a particular emphasis on green, which was Marvin’s signature colour during his time in the group.

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Marvin Humes
SOPA Images via Getty Images

Interestingly, others seem convinced from the clues that it’s a snooker player underneath Rubbish’s bin-lid, thanks to the “number one” being on the red bin, and the character playing a triangle at one point.

Let’s see what Twitter has to say...


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Pigeon is definitely one of our favourite characters of the new series – but she’s also one of the hardest to work out.

So far, viewers seem pretty convinced there’s a comedian under the beak, with her comment about being an “old bird” (and the carrots she was seen holding!) putting some in mind of Catherine Tate.

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Catherine Tate
Jeff Spicer via Getty Images

Hopefully more will be revealed as the weeks go on – but for the time being, here are some more theories from social media... 



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The second we heard Rhino singing, we were absolutely convinced he was actually former X Factor winner James Arthur, and when he said during his riddle that one of the judges “might find me quite muggy”, we thought that could be a reference to his previous fling with Rita Ora.

However, a quick browse through Twitter shows all of the clues pointing in a very different direction.

Apparently, fans quickly worked out that it was Busted singer Charlie Simpson underneath Rhino’s thick hide.

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Charlie Simpson
David M. Benett via Getty Images

Here’s what people are saying online...



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We’ve left Otter until last because while the current theory is the most unlikely on our list, it’s also our favourite. Because it involves Kate Bush.

At first, the “Kate Bush on The Masked Singer” theory is an easy one to dismiss. First of all, she’s famously private, and hasn’t done any telly at all for the last 30 years, including when she’s had albums and a live residency to flog, so it’s not likely she’d choose now to don an oversized novelty costume and sing a cover of the Baywatch theme tune for the nation, is it?

Then there’s the fact she’s one of the most iconic British singers of all time, so why would she of all people feel the need to sign up for something like The Masked Singer (no offence, Masked Singer, we love you, never change). 

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Kate Bush in 2014
David M. Benett via Getty Images

But then… you start to read about Otter’s clues. And there’s no denying that they do all point in the same direction. That direction being… up a certain hill…

Surely not. But also… maybe?

The Masked Singer airs on Saturday nights on ITV.