The Name Game: Almost Half Of Us Regret Our Child's Name

The Name Game: Almost Half Of Us Regret Our Child's Name


Just under half of UK parents regret their child's name at some point, according to a new survey.

Research by found 43 per cent of us have second thoughts on our name of choice at some point. Of this figure, 19 per cent of us admit to not actually liking the name at all later down the line!

The poll asked 600 parents to be really honest about their name choices. While the number of regretful parents is pretty depressing, 57 per cent said they were as happy with their choice as the day they named their child.

We reckon a certain few celebs might be firmly in the first camp though, what with classics like Apple from Gwennie and Chris and Beyonce choosing Blue for her little girl.

Did you regret your child' name? Do you call them something else instead?