Intern Poses Naked On Front Page Of The Sun For Prince Harry Nude Photos Mock Up

Intern Poses Naked On Front Page Of The Sun
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The Sun's front page features a picture editor posing as Prince Harry - and a naked 21-year-old intern.

According to their blurb, features picture editor Harry Miller "dropped everything to recreate the Prince's pose" - and he was joined by Sophie Henderson.

The pair were mocking up Prince Harry's naked Vegas pictures, which the British press cannot print due to privacy laws.

But forget about the Prince's fear and nudity in Las Vegas - a seemingly naked pose on the front page of Britain's best selling paper has to be the worst work experience job ever.

Sophie Henderson, 21, isn't the only intern who's had a rough time though. As we found out when we asked about the weirdest thing Huffington Post readers ever did on work experience.

First off is executive editor David Hobbs, who volunteered "running a blind school sports day. Actually, that's probably the best thing I ever did."

Sarah Dean, assistant entertainment editor, had find 50 toy frogs that would fly through the air when shot from a toy cannon. According to her, it was "harder than it sounds."

Alice Vincent from the blogs team had to walk the office dogs during an internship in New York - one of whom tried to "cock their leg against Karl Lagerfeld."

Our editor-in-chief Carla Buzasi, meanwhile, once had to read every single entry to the Cosmo Erotic Writing competition ("and weed out all the truly filthy stuff before it went to the editor").

What's the worst thing you've ever done on work experience? Let us know in the comments

See some pics of Prince Harry wearing clothes!

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