Women, Keen To Find A Better Way Of Living, Fall In Love With The Third Metric Revolution

Women In Britain Fall In Love With The Third Metric

Once upon a time (on Tuesday evening) The Third Metric came to London. And, if the energy on the night and buzz around the hashtag #ThirdMetric are anything to go by, it looks like it's here to stay.

During a conference held in London, Arianna Huffington and seven panelists discussed "the third revolution" and redefining success in terms of mindfulness, wellbeing, giving back and everything in between.

The panel sat in front of a captivated audience of more than 250 people, who were eagerly tweeting their support of the movement. Here's what they had to say...

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While attendees were mainly women, Arianna was keen to highlight that The Third Metric is for everyone, regardless of gender.

"Women are going to lead this revolution, with the help of a few good men," she said during her keynote speech. "Men designed the world as it is now and it is not working for women, or men, or polar bears. When we women redesign it you men are going to be incredibly grateful to us and you will realise how incredible it is."

She added: "I say to you women: don’t settle for breaking through glass ceilings in a corporate world. Change that world - we need to redefine what success is and re-imagine the workplace.

"As Archimedes said: 'Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the world'. When we find that place to stand we can truly move the world. All of us, women and men, can lead our lives with more grace, joy, compassion, gratitude, more love and more sleep."