The Two Most Common Excuses To Pull Hangover Sick Days, How Original Are Yours?

Hangover or food poisoning? Your manager will never know

Ah, you’ve been to after-work drinks and had too many glasses of proseccos. We’ve all been there and know how difficult it is to wake up for work the next morning. Having a hangover whilst working is not fun in the slightest. 

Sometimes it’s best if we just call in sick but we can’t tell our manager we’re hungover. With dizziness, nausea, and vomiting among the most common symptoms of a hangover, Britons dread the thought of working after a heavy night of drinking

Missing work after a heavy night of drinking is rightfully frowned upon, but a hangover will render most people physically unable to work effectively or efficiently.

So what do we say? 22% of UK adults with full-time office-based jobs confessed they are likely to phone in sick the day after a night out with colleagues or friends, with a further 21% pre-emptively making plans to work – but not really work – from home.

Of those making plans to avoid work unethically, 64% were men and 36% were women. Only 11% of respondents said they would pre-empt feeling rough the day after and book the day off as annual leave.

Survivor of life conducted a survey of more than 2,200 UK adults with full-time office-based jobs to discover the most common and hard-to-believe excuses people use instead of just admitting to being hungover.

When asked which excuse they are most likely to use if they call in sick due to a hangover, respondents voted in favour of:

  1. Food poisoning – 19%
  2. Migraine – 15%
  3. Child’s illness – 11%
  4. Car-related issues – 10%
  5. Family emergency – 7%
  6. Flu – 8%
  7. Menstrual cramps/PMS – 6%
  8. Medical appointments – 5%
  9. Broken boiler or water pipe – 3%
  10. Tonsillitis – 3%