The Wanted were reportedly questioned by police after they were accused of throwing champagne at a passer-by from their hotel balcony.
According to The Sun, singer Jay McGuinness was celebrating his birthday with bandmates Max George, Siva Kaneswaran and Nathan Sykes at the Marylebone Hotel in London when a Canadian writer strolling underneath them got a soaking.
The Wanted
Poet Dr Todd Swift called the police after the incident and also claimed he was verbally abused by members the boyband, who apparently called him Barack Obama because of his accent.
Todd, who wrote episodes of TV hits 'Young Robin Hood' and 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, told the newspaper: "I came out of the gym and was walking down the street.
"Suddenly I was hit with a lot of liquid. It was not, as the police claim, a glass of champagne. It was a lot of liquid. It went all over my hat, jacket, shirt and face. I looked up to the second floor and there were three young guys laughing at me. One of them said, 'P*** and beer, mate'."
The Wanted were reportedly questioned by police
A spokesman for Scotland Yard said: "Police were called to a report of a man having been verbally threatened and having had a liquid substance thrown over him at a hotel in Marylebone.
"Officers returned the next day and spoke to the party identified. It was ascertained that a glass of champagne had been thrown, but there was no evidence of who, if anyone, had actually done this or been involved in any verbal altercation.
"The victim was informed that without any further evidence there were no further lines of enquiry to pursue."