The Wonders Of Rosemary

The Wonders Of Rosemary

More often than not, rosemary is associated with the 'dried herbs' aisle of the supermarket but this herb has been used for its medicinal benefits (as well as culinary) for centuries.

Why? As well as having a distinctive smell and flavour, the benefits of rosemary are plentiful. From treating flu or colds with its anti-septic properties to aiding arthritis or tired muscles, the wonders of this green plant are surprising.

One of its most common uses is for boosting circulation. "It has a herby aroma with very versatile warming, tonifying and refreshing properties which have the effect of unblocking and stimulating various systems in the body", Neal's Yard told us.

"For instance, by stimulating the circulation to the head and brain it is said to strengthen the memory and concentration, improve mental alertness, and relieve headaches. It is an excellent pick-me-up for the brain at the end of a tiring mental day". A few sprigs on our desks could work wonders.

Rosemary can also be found in shampoos and haircare products as it's great for treating dandruff and hair loss problems. If you're prone to tired muscles after a workout in the gym, it's also worth noting that rosemary can be used before exercising to stimulate circulation and easy any pain.

As with many essential oils and herbs, rosemary can also impact our emotions. "It can help you regain contact with your body and unblock stuck emotions, enabling you to feel stronger, more 'in your body', and better able to form close emotional relationships", Neal's Yard confirmed.

And if you haven't got any fresh rosemary handy? Try these brilliant rosemary-infused beauty products: