These 5 Foods And Drinks Can Help You Stop Smoking

47% of smokers struggled to quit the habit in 2023.
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According to the NHS, 47% of smoking Brits struggled to break the habit in 2023, despite its numerous stop smoking initiatives.

This is because smoking is an addiction that’s incredibly hard to give up. There are smoke-free alternatives such as nicotine pouches, gum and patches but according to nicotine retailing expert, Markus Lindblad from Haypp, incorporating certain foods and drinks to your diet can also help you quit smoking, too.

They’re not what you’d think, either. In fact, Lindblad actively encourages eating cheese to kick the smoking habit and given that cheese is purchased by 98% of British households, we think he really might be onto a winner here. 

The foods and drinks that can help you to stop smoking


According to Lindblad, adding cheese to your diet will curb cigarette cravings as dairy products are said to make cigarettes taste worse. He advised that next time you have a craving, get yourself some cheese, have a glass of milk or even a yoghurt instead. Lindblad says not only will this help to curb cravings but it’ll make you dislike the cigarettes, too. 

Ginseng tea

Ginseng is an earthy, warming tea from Korea mostly known for its energy-boosting properties but it can also reduce the effect that nicotine has on the body. Lindblad says this is a “must” when it comes to reducing smoking intake as the less effect that nicotine has on your body, the less appealing smoking a cigarette will be.


If you’ve tried giving up smoking, chances are you’ve experienced some serious hunger pangs and found yourself excessively snacking. Lindblad suggests salted popcorn as an ideal snack to enjoy while trying to quit as it’s low in calories and salted popcorn can help you feel fuller for longer. 

Cinnamon sticks

While these aren’t the most conventional snack, Lindblad says that the immediate spicy kick from cinnamon sticks reduces cravings straight away and physically holding the stick will help psychologically when it comes to kicking the habit, too.

Sugar-free gum or mints

Finally, Lindblad says that the best way to curb cravings is sugar-free gum or mints. These keep your mouth busy at the time that you’re craving a cigarette and the aftertaste of mint means that it’ll be a while before you’re craving another smoke. Note that sugar-free is essential as sugar is actually known for enhancing the taste of cigarettes!

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