This Is What You Should Do As Soon As You Match With Somebody On A Dating App

And no, it's not sending a screnshot of them to the group chat.
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Dating apps can feel like a minefield, but sometimes, there is a match that comes in that you are immediately drawn to. 

Whether it’s their lovingly hand-crafted bio, their sweet smile, or even just the miracle that they haven’t utilised their pals or a fluffy companion to make themselves look better.

So, the match is in. What do you do in that moment? Do you send a screenshot to your mates? Do you frantically draft an ideal first message in the notes app? Or do you panic and just give up trying to speak to them all together?

Well, according to Hinge’s Love & Connection Expert Moe Ari Brown, there are eight specific things we should do in that moment.

8 things to do as soon as you match with somebody

Initiate conversation immediately

Instead of stressing about the ideal message or how quickly to message, just get the first one out the way. 

Brown said: “Instead of ‘liking’ someone’s picture, reply to a Prompt to get the conversation going and make it clear you’re interested in chatting.

“Taking the time to look at someone’s profile to find something that makes you curious shows you’ve taken the time and are interested in learning more about them.”

Be consistent

While it may be tempting to act like you’re all cool and mysterious, it doesn’t pay off these days. Brown said: “Taking too long between matching and that initial conversation can be a buzzkill. You have a 44% higher chance of receiving responses on Hinge if you message within 24 hours, so don’t delay!” 

Ask meaningful questions

If the thought of telling somebody your favourite film again makes your blood run cold, use this as an opportunity to break the cycle and actually ask interesting questions.

Brown advised: “Avoid questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Instead, ask questions that require your match to elaborate.

“For example, instead of asking “Do you like to travel?”, ask “What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever travelled to?”. This will keep the conversation flowing.”

Make the most of voice messages

Brown said: “Voice notes are a great way to connect with a match and show another side of you beyond your profile.

“Sending a voice note while messaging your match on Hinge is 48% more likely to lead to a date, according to recent Hinge data. More than two-thirds, 65%, of daters believe hearing someone’s voice helps them determine their interest.”

Resist your own assumptions

Brown said: “Perhaps you feel like three days of chatting isn’t enough, and you only meet up with people after a few weeks of chatting. Why?

“Remember that great textual chemistry doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll vibe in person. Wouldn’t you rather figure that out sooner? It doesn’t hurt to try a different approach by meeting earlier!”

Double text

When it comes to double texts, kill the part of you that cringes. Enthusiasm is good!

Brown said: “Only 13% of daters say double-texting gives them “the ick”, so don’t worry about seeming too eager or messaging someone too often. 

“Double texting can be a sign of someone who is invested in communicating. You just need to make sure you’ve given them enough time to respond to your previous message before reaching out again about the same message.”

Check your spellings

Brown said: “We all make typos from time to time. But when it comes to answering profile prompts or messaging a new match, take the extra time to read over what you’ve written and spell things correctly.

“39% of daters get “the ick” from bad spelling or grammar. Taking time to reread your message might just be the difference between landing that first date and spending another night scrolling through TikTok.”

Share your favourite memes

While memes may just seem like a silly pastime, more than half (60%) of Hinge daters prioritise getting a sense of someone’s “meme humour” before a first date.

Brown said: “If you send someone a meme that they find funny, it can lead to a conversation about your shared interests. This is a great way to get to know someone better and to see if there’s a spark between you.”

 Happy matching!