This Week You Should Try... The Colour Rinse At Bleach Hair Salon

This Week You Should Try... The Colour Rinse At Bleach Hair Salon

Dirty blonde, that's the natural colour of my drab boring snoring hair. And like most dirty blondes I've been on the (dye) bottle like a madwoman for years. I've tried being a brunette (didn't work), I've been platinum (burnt my scalp) and of course, I've had a stint as a ginger (accident).

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After rocking the ombre hair trend for the best part of a year I was sick and tired of my dull mousey roots and my almost-yellow dip-dyed ends. It's funny how no one ever warns you that when you have your hair au naturale at the root and dyed at the ends you have the WORST of both worlds to deal with: greasy roots and dried out ends. On top of this, a stylish little bird told me that the blonde dip thang is totes out.

So, armed with the hatred of my messed up blonde, I booked an appointment at the colour specialists, the ONLY place to go for colour, Bleach salon in uber-trendy East London. I wasn't sure what I wanted, all I knew was I needed to get the yellow out of my poor tresses.

After taking a seat in a retro barber's chair my colourist Claire discusses my options. "We'll brighten up your blonde for Spring," she says, "And how about another colour for the ends?" I look around the salon, all the girls are rocking some seriously cool dos. "I was thinking a chalky purple," I hear myself say (not sure where that came from, perhaps I was feeling inspired by Stella McCartney a la Paris Fashion Week).

With that Claire gets to it with the foils and an hour or so later I've got my head in the sink ready for a spot of toner and a granny-style rinse. I'm excited. Another 20 minutes and I'm back in the chair having my newly sans yellow locks styled into Bleach's signature beachy waves.

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My hair is purple and I flippin' love it! Claire offers to bottle the mix for me so I can redo at home when it eventually washes out (approximately eight shampoos), but I've already decided I'll be back again to try out a new colour. I'm thinking blue...

If you fancy a change but you're scared to commit, the colour rinse is one for you.

A colour rinse at Bleach is £20, and a full head of colour is £75. Visit the salon website for more information.


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