Three Steps To Secure Your Privacy On Google

Three Steps To Secure Your Privacy On Google

Are you worried the Google will know all about your browsing history when the new privacy policy comes into play?

Fret not, you don't have to share your dubious search favs with the world. There's three steps you can take today to secure your privacy on Google.

1. On the Google homepage sign into your account. Under the dropdown menu beneath your name, hit account settings.

2. In services, the fourth tier down the page, click View, enable, or disable web history.

3. Hit Remove Web History, which disables Google's ability to trawl your history for information unless you decided to turn it back on.

Google has been widely criticised for the new privacy policy, which will come online from 1 March. You must make these changes by that date if you wish your history to remain private.

Google have a "do not track" button you can add to your browser. So you can go ahead and search all the lolcats you like in peace.

The "do not track" button will work like a do not call option for phone marketing.

As the video below shows, Microsoft says Google is fiddling the privacy protections in its Internet Explorer web browser.

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