15 Famous LGBT Families Who Are Thriving, From Sir Elton John And David Furnish To Caitlyn Jenner

Non-traditional families are becoming increasingly prevalent in modern society.
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At a time when visibility of LGBT people is at an all-time high, and the fight for equality is becoming more and more prevalent in our modern society, the way we view traditional families is also changing.

Just as single-parent families have become the norm as the years have gone on, an increase in LGBT parenting also means that different types of non-traditional families are becoming more and more accepted. And not just with with same-sex couples at the head of a family unit, but with three or more parents raising a child together, or even LGBT parents taking on parental duties alone.

Acceptance of these modern families comes in some small part from the prevalence of non-traditional family groups in the media, with a host of gay and trans parents proving that they can stray from what we’ve been taught and still make it work.

Here are just a handful of the famous LGBT parents proving all that’s really required for a family to truly thrive is love and acceptance...

This summer The Huffington Post UK is spearheading an initiative helping families thrive, with a focus on parent wellbeing, the challenges facing stay-at-home and working parents, friendships and navigating the landscape of modern parenting beyond the 2.4. To kickstart the campaign, Jamie Oliver guest edited the site, bringing a focus on feeding healthy families.

We’ll be sharing stories and blogs with the hashtag #ThrivingFamilies and we’d like you to do the same. If you’d like to use our blogging platform to share your story, email ukblogteam@huffingtonpost.com to get involved.

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