Today I'm Wearing

A very good friend and I recently had a random chat and wellies came up in the conversation. Having now spent 9 years in London, this year I finally succumbed - (I couldn't take the rain anymore earlier this year) and had to go and buy these wellies.

A very good friend and I recently had a random chat and wellies came up in the conversation. Having now spent 9 years in London, this year I finally succumbed - (I couldn't take the rain anymore earlier this year) and had to go and buy these wellies. So today I've decided to post an outfit with this purchase of mine. Unfortunately, my wellies aren't super exciting, but it's to my taste and it goes with my wardrobe!

I'm wearing a 'peter pan' collar knit- the solid colour collar is contrasting to the dual colour body, as well as to the texture of the knit. The colour of the top is actually a navy blue- rather than black- mixed with pink. The black shorts are from ASOS and I'm wearing these shorts with semi-opaque tights. And of course, I'm wearing black wellies which are from Burberry. They have an embossed logo to the side of boot. I chose these black wellies because they are very subtle and I wanted them to look more like 'boots' rather than wellies. The black colour makes it easy to wear with everything else in my wardrobe, such as jeans, shorts etc. I don't own that many skirts, but you can easily pair wellies with that too!

The inside of the wellies has the classic Burberry check pattern which is a nice little touch. You can spot subtle hints of the print when you're moving around. I'm also matching a structured patent black bag which is a good contrast to the tailored shorts, the looser knit top and the wellies.


Shorts- ASOS

Wellies- Burberry

Bag- Louis Vuitton

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Useful Tip:

Dark or solid coloured wellies are a nice substitution to your staple autumn/winter leather boots when it's raining!

To see what I'm wearing everyday, check out 'Viv's Daily Fashion Fix' by following me onInstagram: vivmaisonvogue

Vivian x

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