Parents Of Toddler With Cancerous Tumour Weighing Eight Kilos Told It's Too Big To Surgically Remove

Parents Appeal For Help For Toddler With Large Tumour That Makes Her 'Look Pregnant'

A two-year-old girl with a large cancerous tumour in her abdomen is unable to have it removed as doctors have said it is too large.

Rosannah Searle was born with a small lump on the base of her spine but doctors assumed this was caused by her bones forming and adjusting.

Mum Jamilee Searle, 21, said after more visits to the hospital, doctors diagnosed her daughter with scoliosis - abnormal twisting and sideways curvature of the spine.

However over time her stomach began to swell and at 15 months, Rosannah was diagnosed with stage three Neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that mostly affects young children developed from nerve cells called neuroblasts.

Mrs Searle, told Daily Mail Australia: "It was scary - they told us that there was a tumour and it all just went from there."

Mrs Searle said the cancer was only discovered because her daughter was having routine X-rays on her spine and the last one showed a large white mass on it.

The tumour in Rosannah's stomach weighed six to eight kilograms at the time and had caused her back to curve and her stomach to look rounded.

Her mother added: "People said she looked pregnant. I had a lot of comments like that from people, it was hard."

On 17 December 2014, Rosannah had her first round of chemotherapy.

Her parents were told after four rounds the tumour would shrink enough for doctors to remove it. At it's largest, it was wrapped around her organs and spine causing pressure.

On 18 February 2015, the two-year-old had her last round of chemotherapy.

Her parents were told the bone marrow results came back clear and the cancer had not spread outside the tumour, however it had not shrunk like they expected.

The family are currently looking for alternative options worldwide to see if the tumour can be removed surgically at the size it is.

Jessica Searle (Rosannah's aunt) set up the Facebook page 'Help Little Rosannah Beat Cancer' to fundraise and ease the financial pressure on their family.

Jessica Searle explained on the Facebook page that Rosannah is currently spending as much quality time as possible with her new baby sister Skylah, who was born on 16 February 2015.

Rosannah's mum added: "This time next year I hope to be well and truly far away from hospital, for Rosannah to have an average looking belly size and have some skin colour back and be playing, happy and at school."

To find out more about Rosannah's journey, visit the Help Little Rosannah Beat Cancer Facebook page.