Toddler Climbs Into SpongeBob SquarePants Amusement Arcade Game, Ballarat, Australia (PICTURES)

Adventurous Toddler Climbs Into Arcade Game

A toddler with his eye on the prize climbed into an amusement arcade vending machine - and then passed toys and sweets out to crowds who gathered to watch the spectacle.

Noah Jeffrey was so determined to get his hands on a SpongeBob Square Pants toy he climbed through the retrieval flap, up the chute and into the bay of toys, the Herald Sun reported.

The three-year-old appeared delighted by his prank, and spent a good ten minutes sitting in the machine, located in a restaurant in the Australian town of Ballarat.

His mother, Louise, only became aware of her son’s adventure when his brother ran over laughing.

She told News.Com: “I ran over to check and he was passing toys out and eating some of the lollies.”

The cheeky toddler was safely coaxed out ten minutes later with the promise of more toys.

According to The Sun, the manufacturers will be preventing future missions by installing a bar to stop children getting inside.