Toddler Gets 'Pulled Over By Police' For Running A Stop Sign In A Brand-New Pink Car

They let her off. Phew.

A toddler was caught driving around the streets in her brand-new pink toy car by police after she "didn't read" the stop sign.

The comical exchange was posted on Facebook by the Philadelphia Police Department during an officer's shift patrolling the roads.

Officer Walter Nejman said he found eight-month-old Reigen roaming the streets and giggling in her car. 

"Apparently, this motorist thought that a posted 'stop' sign was only a suggestion, and a 'slide' would suffice," the department joked on Facebook.

"Also, 'not being able to read' really isn't an excuse - but nice try. Fortunately, Nejman let her off with a warning."

The post was shared more than 1,000 times and had more than 5,000 likes in six days. 

Reigen's mum Olivia said the toddler got the car as a present during the long Easter weekend. 

"I think she got stopped for being too cute," she laughed.

"It's crazy how many people have seen the photo". 

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