Tom Hanks Proves He's The Nicest Hollywood Star With This Incredible Fan Letter

It's no surprise, really.

Just in case there were any remaining doubts that Tom Hanks is, officially, the nicest man in Hollywood, he has sealed the deal with this letter, written in reply to a fan who wrote, requesting a selfie. 

On her Facebook page a couple of days ago, Zena Gopal explained that she had written to the film star, in accordance with a bet made with friends. She was the only one who did it, apparently, and this was her reward... 

The star of ‘Sully’, ‘You’ve Got Mail’ and countless other hits had taken the trouble to photograph himself holding the snap Zena had sent. And while the Polaroid was developing, he penned a few thoughts down on some Hanx writing paper he happened to have nearby. 

Just like any normal pen pal, right? 

After apologising for the picture, saying a head shot would have “come off vain”, Tom chatted about her hometown of Toronto, coming Christmas and finally signed off, telling her to “throw deep, always”. 

Of course, the double Oscar winner does have form when it comes to surprising his fans. Remember this autumn day when he gate-crashed a wedding...

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