Tonight's TV Pick: Wednesday 8 February - Roger and Val Have Just Got In, If Walls Could Talk, Ten O'Clock Live

Tonight’s TV Pick: Roger And Val, Walls Talking, Ten o'Clock's Back

Lots of quality new series kicking off tonight - here are our picks of the best of the box:

Ten o'Clock Live - 10pm, C4

Despite ratings plummeting during the first series, this satirical show has been given a second go. It's a talented team - including Jimmy Carr riffing on news, Charlie Brooker ranting on hypocrisy and David Mitchell ruminating on the personalities within. Lessons have evidently been learnt from the less than overwhelming feedback from series one - hopefully the shorter running time will create a snappier format - but it could be some time yet before this hits the US heights of Messrs Stewart and Colbert.

Roger and Val Have Just Got In - 10pm, BBC2

Alfred Molina and Dawn French are back as the incredibly inactive couple of the title. This week sees Roger and Val returning from a wedding, and much musing on Roger's forthcoming tribunal, and the prospect of a new job for Val. There are in-jokes, debates, reminiscences on anything and everything - except the still-ached-for loss of their baby.

The whole thing is a blatant homage to Alan Bennett's glorious soliloquies of Cream Cracker under the Settee and co, with the silences as telling as the humour, and it's best to go in viewing with that kind of gentle, undulating, un-fireworky telly treat in mind.

If Walls Could Talk - 8pm, BBC4

Another Wednesday evening, another look at homes through the ages, except this four-part series, starting tonight, is expertly guided by curator of royal palaces, Lucy Worsley - a name that wouldn't look out of place stitched on a polo club bag. Worsley uses all her training and well-groomed knowledge to delve into British social history, seen through the prism of the four main rooms we spend just about all our home time in. Tonight: the living room.