Tony Blair's House Sees Chilcot Protest Calling For Him To Face Iraq War Crimes Trial

Metal barriers were also seen being delivered outside his house.
Protesters hold a banner outside the London home of former Prime Minister Tony Blair ahead of the publication of the Chilcot report into the Iraq war.Open Image ModalProtesters hold a banner outside the London home of former Prime Minister Tony Blair ahead of the publication of the Chilcot report into the Iraq war.
Protesters hold a banner outside the London home of former Prime Minister Tony Blair ahead of the publication of the Chilcot report into the Iraq war.
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

Protestors have gathered outside Tony Blair's London home ahead of the release of the Chilcot report, unfurling a banner calling for him to face trial for war crimes for leading the country into the Iraq War.

They unfurled a banner outside the former prime minister's central London townhouse that said: "BLAIR MUST FACE WAR CRIMES TRIAL"

Two armed police officers were standing guard outside his door and metal barriers have been delivered, which one person speculated could be because police feared "trouble" later. 

Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
PA Wire
PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
PA Wire

Blair was reported to have left his home at around 8.30am, after the protestors had gone to his home.

Blair is expected to face significant criticism in the report, which Chilcot will make public at around 11.30am. Blair will make a statement after that.

Chilcot's report, seven years in the making, runs to 2.6 million words and the war's most vocal opponents fear it will not criticise various parties involved as stridently at it should.

On Tuesday evening he signalled that it would not be a “whitewash” that some fear, even though few expect Blair to be personally made legally liable for deaths caused by the war.

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