Top Of Her Class! Schoolgirl Michaella Is 6ft 2in - And She's Only 12 Years Old

Top Of Her Class! Schoolgirl Michaella Is 6ft 2in - And She's Only 12 Years Old

Michael Tallis

At 6ft 2in, Michaella Brouwers towers over the average man - yet she's only 12 years old.

Michaella is believed to be one of the tallest schoolgirls of her age in the UK, but she gains no pleasure from being a record breaker - because life can be hard and cruel for her.

Michaella suffers from the rare Marfan Syndrome, inherited from her 6ft 4in mum, Natascha.

The incurable growth disorder means she has weak bones and joints as well as fragile organs and needs regular hospital visits.

Natascha, 28, from Aberdeen, is launching a support group so her vulnerable daughter can meet other sufferers.

She said: "It's hard for her - people don't believe how young she is and comment about her height.

"It hurts her just to walk around school. Luckily, her teachers are very helpful.

"Clothes are a nightmare. She wants to dress like her friends but she can't. She gets upset, but keeps smiling."

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