If you're just unpicking the mud from your wellies post-Glastonbury, or have just spent an hour stalking your old boyfriends and girlfriends on Facebook (it's alright, we all do it) - it may be a sign you're having a mid-life crisis. A new poll reveals that women reach it aged 44 (the same age as Jennifer Aniston) while men get there at 43.
The overwhelming desire from the people polled was to have a 'simpler life', so if you're thinking about giving it all up to live in a yurt or going to find yourself, you may be tipping into crisis mode. The second most popular sign was going to outdoor festivals like Glastonbury.
Overuse of Twitter and Facebook was also cited, in fact it is being overused because a lot of 40 and 50-somethings want their employers to think they are digitally savvy. No surprise then that a key worry in this age group was about job security.
A mid-life crisis was a phrased first coined in 1965, and describes the 'oh shit' moment when adults are acutely aware of their own mortality and have less time left than the time they have lived so far.
The poll was conducted by Crown Clinic In Manchester.
Here are the top 10 reasons why you may be having a mid-life crisis (and tell us how many you've ticked in the comments below):