'TOWIE' Star Charlie Sims Permanently Scarred After Being Glassed In the Face By Female Clubber

'TOWIE' Star Reveals Glassing Attack Horror

'TOWIE' star Charlie Sims has revealed he's been scarred for life after a disgruntled female fan attacked him with a glass in a London club.

The 22-year-old - who was outed as a love rat when he cheated on his girlfriend Fern McCann on the Essex-based reality drama - joked that the attacker was obviously 'Team Fern'

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Charlie Sims

Speaking about the attack at the club in Mayfair, Charlie told The Mirror: “She scarred my face. She smashed me in the face with a glass.”

Despite causing permanent scarring to his left cheek, Charlie decided not to involve the police in the matter.

“It had all come out about our relationship - the cheating scandal. And she was obviously Team Ferne.

“You get people who are die hard, and watch it every week. They take it very seriously outside of the show. But this was extreme.”

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Charlie with girlfriend Fern McCann

Charlie is now back together with Fern, who joked that the attacker was actually a hitwoman.

“I shouldn’t laugh," Fern joked. "But... she was a hitwoman.”

We think she's joking.

Charlie and Fern are currently in Marbella filming the annual 'The Only Way Is Essex' summer special.

The cast have been raising plenty of eyebrows with their flesh-flashing beachwear - but none more than Bobby Norris who was spotted wearing the most bizarre slash revealing swimwear we have ever laid eyes on (which are still recovering, btw).

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