Midge The Dog Leads A Growing Army Of #TrashTag Litter Pickers

People from the UK to Mexico are posting photos of rubbish they've collected as part of an online challenge.

An army of eco-conscious people around the world are clearing up litter and sharing photos of it on Twitter using #Trashtag.

The hashtag is spreading online – with people from the UK to Mexico, the USA and Belgium sharing before and after photos after clearing rubbish into bags as part of a challenge.

Some of them are wearing protective gloves, too, which is a good idea if you also want to get involved, as you don’t quite know what you’re picking up.

College students from Texas Tech University accepted the challenge, picking more than a dozen bags of rubbish from around the streets.

This man treated himself with a can of beer after cleaning some discarded rubbish from a beach, which seems like a perfect way to celebrate. 

This woman stopped by the roadside with her family for a rest stop, and collected some rubbish at the same time.

This group, in Memphis meanwhile, picked a whoppin 14,000 lbs of rubbish from the Mississippi River.

But perhaps the best litter picker of them all is this Extremely Good Boy called Midge, who has learned how to trade in plastic bottles for treats.

This isn’t the first time a litter picking hashtag has swept the internet. In February, scores of people have been sharing photos of discarded waste using the hashtag #isthisyours, tagging in the companies behind the packaging.

Taking to Twitter, consumers have been tagging brands including Starbucks, Oral B, Red Bull, McDonald’s and Walkers in their photos of litter.