How To Stay Connected When You Travel (PICTURES)

How To Stay Connected When You Travel
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Man on the beach using a smart phone.

The point that you need internet access the most, can often be the moment when you lose your connectivity.

Whether it's the fault of absurdly high roaming charges that send your data usage rates through the roof, or your hotel deciding to charge you £20 an hour for the privilege of checking Facebook, the act of find and using the Internet abroad is one of life's delightful challenges.

A good way to hop over the surprising barriers that spring up the second you touch down in another country, is to plan ahead.

The extraordinary cost of simply sending a text message abroad means that travellers have always been marvellously inventive about ways to cut costs, while remaining in touch with the outside world.

Travellers are now equally as keen to use the power of the web to keep them connected, even when they're not sitting cosily at home, enjoying a strong Wi-Fi signal.

Here are eight ways to remain connected to the internet, your friends and loved ones, and your next flight home, when you're on the road.