Travis Sigley, Founder Of Cuddle Therapy, Hugs Strangers To Make A Living

Travis Sigley, Founder Of Cuddle Therapy, Hugs Strangers For Money
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Travis Sigley earns a living from cuddling strangers, but is it an easy or sleazy way to make money?

Cuddling is a lucrative - albeit niche - industry. Travis has founded his own company Cuddle Therapy and charges £37-per-hour ($60) cuddle strangers.

Now everyone likes a cuddle, but how does one end up on the cuddling career ladder?

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Travis Sigley

He found that there was a whole load of people in need of this intimate human interaction - and the rest is history.

Travis welcomes a range of customers: young and old, male and female - although he rarely sees straight men. "When I do, it's usually a very powerful experience for them," he tells HuffPost San Francisco. "To be able to feel what male affection feels like when it's completely nonsexual."

Cuddle therapy isn't sexual, Travis explains. One-to-one sessions vary in nature, depending on the needs of each client - some want a cuddle and a chat, while others prefer to lay in silence.

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This line of work doesn't come without suspicion or criticism, she has been labelled 'prostitute' among other things.

What do you think of the cuddle industry?