Trevor Noah: Result Of Democratic Party Primary In Queens Is 'Insane'

If the nominee wins in November, she’d 'be the first member of Congress that talks like Cardi B'.

Trevor Noah, host of "The Daily Show", couldn't contain his excitement Wednesday about the U.S.' Democratic Party primary victory of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York's 14th Congressional District.

"This is so amazing, man," Noah said. "Not only would she be the youngest female ever elected to Congress, she'd also be the first member of Congress that talks like Cardi B. Like this is so dope."

Ocasio-Cortez's Democratic nomination for the U.S. House seat is notable because she defeated incumbent Representative Joe Crowley, who has been in Congress since 1999 and was widely thought to be the heir apparent to Nancy Pelosi as leader of House Democrats.

"Not only would Ocasio-Cortez be a groundbreaker, but she ran on a heavily progressive platform that was really popular: free healthcare, free college education, a federal jobs guarantee, and she wants to abolish ICE," Noah said. "She's so left that she makes Bernie Sanders look like Mitt Romney. Like, it's insane."

Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

"She's far left," Noah said. "She had no support from the Democratic Party. And, unlike her opponent, she had no big money behind her. Nobody expected her to win."

Noah added: "So for a few hours this morning, progressives were like, 'Hey, maybe the future is not as bad as it seems.' And the future was like, 'Oh, you don't know me.'"

Check out the video above to see what took the wind out of progressives' sails.