Trump's 2018 Turkey Pardon Bizarrely Foreshadowed 2020 Election

In 2018, the president pardoned a turkey named “Carrots” who had lost “a fair and open election” but “refused to concede."

As coincidences go, this one is pretty bird-brained.

Some people who’ve witnessed Donald Trump’s recent unwillingness to concede the election to Joe Biden are seeing parallels to Trump’s 2018 turkey pardon.

Two Thanksgivings ago, the president pardoned a turkey named “Carrots” who had lost “a fair and open election” in the form of a White House poll over which of two turkeys should be spared, according to Snopes.

But while “Carrots” lost the election to “Peas,” Trump claimed the turkey “refused to concede and demanded a recount.” 

The president then claimed that even though the recount did not change the vote, he was going to pardon both birds.

This year, the president chose to grant a full pardon to a 42-pound turkey named “Corn,” and pretty much stuck to the script, according to Reuters.

However, one reporter felt obligated to see if the president was planning to issue any other pardons, mainly to himself.

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