4 Lies In 1 Sentence: CNN Fact-Checker Says Trump May Have Just Set A Record

The president's latest attack on a favourite target may have set a new low mark for falsehoods.

Donald Trump may have just set a personal worst: Four lies inside a single sentence. 

CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale, who has been meticulously chronicling the president’s falsehoods, tweeted:

Dale said it happened in a tweet on Saturday, when the president attacked frequent target Andrew McCabe, former deputy director of the FBI:

Dale explained on the CNN website that Trump was referring to donations to the failed 2015 Virginia state Senate campaign of McCabe’s wife, Dr. Jill McCabe. The donations were all to her, not to her husband, Dale pointed out. Further, the contributions were legal, none came from former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, and McCabe was not “head of the FBI.” For most of 2015, McCabe was the assistant director in charge of the Washington field office. 

The Washington Post, which has also been tracking Trump’s lies, said in July that the president had made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims since he took office ― an average of 12 falsehoods a day.