Donald Trump’s Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Gets Gobbled Up In Hilarious ‘Photoshop Battle’

Trump as a turkey? Turkey with a mask on? Yes and yes.

Redditors gobbled up Donald Trump’s pardoning of a turkey in the annual White House Thanksgiving tradition on Tuesday.

A “Photoshop Battle” broke out over one particular image of the outgoing president with his hand hovering over a 42-pound bird named “Corn.”

One person superimposed a mask over the turkey’s mouth ― a contrast with the maskless president, who downplays the risks of Covid-19 and the need for measures to control the rising pandemic.

Outgoing Vice President Mike Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris all were featured in the mocking contest.

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