TfL's New Tube Map Reveals Walking Distances Between London Underground Stations From Zone 1-3

This could be a game-changer.

The hugely successful walking Tube map has now been updated so it stretches as far as zone three and also includes National Rail routes.

The official guide from Transport for London (TfL) gives Londoners a handy way to figure out how long their journey on foot will take...

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Another also shows on average how many steps each journey would take...

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A new map showing approximately how many steps it takes to walk between stations (click here for a higher-res image)

Speaking ahead of TfL’s first walking conferenceVal Shawcross, deputy mayor for transport, said: “We are committed to improving the health and quality of life for all Londoners, and know that this can happen if we create a cleaner, better environment where people want to walk and cycle.

“By improving our streets to encourage active travel, we can reduce the impact of transport on our environment - leading to cleaner air and a greener, quieter and less traffic dominated city for all to enjoy.”

The conference, titled “Healthy Streets for London – making a great city for walking”, will discuss how London can be made a better city for pedestrians.

Leon Daniels, Managing Director, Surface Transport at TfL, said: “We recognise the influence that travel choices have on how healthy people can be in London.

“If we do things differently, such as helping to reduce car use by providing nicer places to walk, live and work, we can help deliver amazing health benefits to Londoners.

“Our new Walking Tube map is designed to help people who want to get more active and try making more of their journey round on foot.” 

The first official walking Tube map was released in 2015.

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